Apply simple image filters (transformations) to an array.
is highly experimental, has had limited production testing, and is sparsely documented.
The filters currently supported are:
- reencode: Reencode (change encoding, data type, etc.).
- crop: Crop given an offset and shape.
- rescale: Rescale values given a multiplier and offset.
- clamp: Clamp values between a minimum and maximum.
- equal: Return a binary image where the input is equal to some value.
- downsample: Downsample given a stride.
- gradient-magnitude: Compute the gradient magnitude.
- gaussian: Apply a Gaussian kernel.
- summed area table: Compute the summed area table.
- guided filter: Apply a guided filter (edge-preserving noise filter).
is installed with the filter
feature of zarrs_tools
Prebuilt Binaries
# Requires cargo-binstall
cargo binstall zarrs_tools
From Source
cargo install --features=filter zarrs_tools
zarrs_filter --help
Apply simple image filters (transformations) to a Zarr array
Usage: zarrs_filter [OPTIONS] [RUN_CONFIG] [COMMAND]
reencode Reencode an array
crop Crop an array given an offset and shape
rescale Rescale array values given a multiplier and offset
clamp Clamp values between a minimum and maximum
equal Return a binary image where the input is equal to some value
downsample Downsample an image given a stride
gradient-magnitude Compute the gradient magnitude
gaussian Apply a Gaussian kernel
summed-area-table Compute a summed area table (integral image)
guided-filter Apply a guided filter (edge-preserving noise filter)
replace-value Replace a value with another value
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
Path to a JSON run configuration
--exists <EXISTS>
Behaviour if the output exists
[default: erase]
Possible values:
- erase: Erase the output
- exit: Exit if the output already exists
--tmp <TMP>
Directory for temporary arrays.
If omitted, defaults to the platform-specific temporary directory (e.g. ${TMPDIR}, /tmp, etc.)
--chunk-limit <CHUNK_LIMIT>
The maximum number of chunks concurrently processed.
By default, this is set to the number of CPUs. Consider reducing this for images with large chunk sizes or on systems with low memory availability.
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version
Run zarrs_filter <COMMAND> --help
for more information on a specific command.
Examples (CLI)
export ENCODE_ARGS="--shard-shape 256,256,256 --chunk-shape 32,32,32"
zarrs_filter reencode array.zarr array_reenc.zarr ${ENCODE_ARGS}
zarrs_filter reencode array_reenc.zarr array_reenc_int32.zarr ${ENCODE_ARGS} --data-type int32
zarrs_filter reencode array_reenc.zarr array_reenc_float32.zarr ${ENCODE_ARGS} --data-type float32
zarrs_filter crop array_reenc.zarr array_crop.zarr ${ENCODE_ARGS} --data-type float32 256,256,256 768,768,768
zarrs_filter rescale array_reenc.zarr array_rescale.zarr ${ENCODE_ARGS} --data-type float32 2.0 1.0 --fill-value 1.0
zarrs_filter clamp array_reenc.zarr array_clamp.zarr ${ENCODE_ARGS} --data-type float32 5 255 --fill-value 5.0
# zarrs_filter equal array_reenc.zarr array_eq_bool.zarr ${ENCODE_ARGS} --data-type bool 1 --fill-value true
zarrs_filter equal array_reenc.zarr array_eq_u8.zarr ${ENCODE_ARGS} --data-type uint8 1 --fill-value 1
zarrs_filter downsample array_reenc.zarr array_downsample.zarr ${ENCODE_ARGS} --data-type float32 2,2,2
zarrs_filter downsample array_eq_u8.zarr array_downsample_discrete.zarr ${ENCODE_ARGS} --data-type uint8 2,2,2 --discrete
zarrs_filter gradient-magnitude array_reenc.zarr array_gradient_magnitude.zarr ${ENCODE_ARGS} --data-type float32
zarrs_filter gaussian array_reenc.zarr array_gaussian.zarr ${ENCODE_ARGS} --data-type float32 1.0,1.0,1.0 3,3,3
zarrs_filter summed-area-table array_reenc.zarr array_sat.zarr ${ENCODE_ARGS} --data-type int64
zarrs_filter guided-filter array_reenc.zarr array_guided_filter.zarr ${ENCODE_ARGS} --data-type float32 40000 3
zarrs_filter replace-value array_reenc.zarr array_replace.zarr ${ENCODE_ARGS} 65535 0 --fill-value 0
Examples (Config)
zarrs_filter <RUN.json>
"_comment": "Rechunk the input",
"filter": "reencode",
"input": "array.zarr",
"output": "$reencode0",
"shard_shape": [256, 256, 256],
"chunk_shape": [32, 32, 32]
"_comment": "Reencode the previous output as float32, automatically cast the fill value",
"filter": "reencode",
"output": "array_float32.zarr",
"data_type": "float32"
"filter": "crop",
"input": "$reencode0",
"output": "array_crop.zarr",
"offset": [256, 256, 256],
"shape": [768, 768, 768]
"filter": "replace_value",
"input": "$reencode0",
"output": "array_replace.zarr",
"value": 65535,
"replace": 0
"_comment": "Multiply by 7.0/20000.0, casting most values in the image between 0 and 7, store in 8-bit (saturate cast)",
"filter": "rescale",
"input": "$reencode0",
"output": "array_3bit.zarr",
"multiply": 0.00035,
"add": 0.0,
"data_type": "uint8",
"fill_value": 0
"_comment": "Multiply by 255.0/20000.0, casting most values in the image between 0 and 7, store in 8-bit (saturate cast)",
"filter": "rescale",
"input": "$reencode0",
"output": "array_8bit.zarr",
"multiply": 0.01275,
"add": 0.0,
"data_type": "uint8",
"fill_value": 0
"_comment": "Clamp the 3-bit output between 2 and 5 and set the fill value to 2",
"filter": "clamp",
"output": "array_3bit_clamp.zarr",
"min": 2,
"max": 5,
"fill_value": 2
"_comment": "Calculate a binary image where the input is equal to 5 (the max from the clamp). Store as bool",
"filter": "equal",
"input": "array_3bit_clamp.zarr",
"output": "array_clamp_equal_bool.zarr",
"value": 5
"_comment": "Calculate a binary image where the input is equal to 5 (the max from the clamp). Store as uint8",
"filter": "equal",
"input": "array_3bit_clamp.zarr",
"output": "array_3bit_max.zarr",
"value": 5,
"data_type": "uint8",
"fill_value": 0
"_comment": "Downsample clamped image by a factor of 2 with mean operator.",
"filter": "downsample",
"input": "array_3bit_clamp.zarr",
"output": "array_3bit_clamp_by2_continuous.zarr",
"stride": [2, 2, 2],
"discrete": false,
"data_type": "float32",
"shard_shape": [128, 128, 128],
"chunk_shape": [32, 32, 32]
"_comment": "Downsample clamped image by a factor of 2 with mode operator.",
"filter": "downsample",
"input": "array_3bit_clamp.zarr",
"output": "array_3bit_clamp_by2_discrete.zarr",
"stride": [2, 2, 2],
"discrete": true,
"shard_shape": [128, 128, 128],
"chunk_shape": [32, 32, 32]
"filter": "gradient_magnitude",
"input": "$reencode0",
"output": "array_gradient.zarr"
"filter": "gaussian",
"input": "$reencode0",
"output": "array_gaussian.zarr",
"sigma": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"kernel_half_size": [3, 3, 3]
"filter": "summed_area_table",
"input": "$reencode0",
"output": "array_sat.zarr",
"data_type": "float32"
"filter": "guided_filter",
"input": "$reencode0",
"output": "array_guided_filter.zarr",
"epsilon": 40000.0,
"radius": 3,
"data_type": "float32"
0 reencode
args: {}
encode: {"chunk_shape":[32,32,32],"shard_shape":[256,256,256]}
input: uint16 [1243, 1403, 1510] "array.zarr"
output: uint16 [1243, 1403, 1510] "/tmp/.tmpCbeEcJ/$reencode0bxiFEM"
1 reencode
args: {}
encode: {"data_type":"float32"}
input: uint16 [1243, 1403, 1510] "/tmp/.tmpCbeEcJ/$reencode0bxiFEM"
output: float32 [1243, 1403, 1510] "array_float32.zarr" (overwrite)
2 crop
args: {"offset":[256,256,256],"shape":[768,768,768]}
encode: {}
input: uint16 [1243, 1403, 1510] "/tmp/.tmpCbeEcJ/$reencode0bxiFEM"
output: uint16 [768, 768, 768] "array_crop.zarr" (overwrite)
3 replace_value
args: {"value":65535,"replace":0}
encode: {}
input: uint16 [1243, 1403, 1510] "/tmp/.tmpCbeEcJ/$reencode0bxiFEM"
output: uint16 [1243, 1403, 1510] "array_replace.zarr" (overwrite)
4 rescale
args: {"multiply":0.00035,"add":0.0,"add_first":false}
encode: {"data_type":"uint8","fill_value":0}
input: uint16 [1243, 1403, 1510] "/tmp/.tmpCbeEcJ/$reencode0bxiFEM"
output: uint8 [1243, 1403, 1510] "array_3bit.zarr" (overwrite)
5 rescale
args: {"multiply":0.01275,"add":0.0,"add_first":false}
encode: {"data_type":"uint8","fill_value":0}
input: uint16 [1243, 1403, 1510] "/tmp/.tmpCbeEcJ/$reencode0bxiFEM"
output: uint8 [1243, 1403, 1510] "array_8bit.zarr" (overwrite)
6 clamp
args: {"min":2.0,"max":5.0}
encode: {"fill_value":2}
input: uint8 [1243, 1403, 1510] "array_8bit.zarr"
output: uint8 [1243, 1403, 1510] "array_3bit_clamp.zarr" (overwrite)
7 equal
args: {"value":5}
encode: {}
input: uint8 [1243, 1403, 1510] "array_3bit_clamp.zarr"
output: bool [1243, 1403, 1510] "array_clamp_equal_bool.zarr" (overwrite)
8 equal
args: {"value":5}
encode: {"data_type":"uint8","fill_value":0}
input: uint8 [1243, 1403, 1510] "array_3bit_clamp.zarr"
output: uint8 [1243, 1403, 1510] "array_3bit_max.zarr" (overwrite)
9 downsample
args: {"stride":[2,2,2],"discrete":false}
encode: {"data_type":"float32","chunk_shape":[32,32,32],"shard_shape":[128,128,128]}
input: uint8 [1243, 1403, 1510] "array_3bit_clamp.zarr"
output: float32 [621, 701, 755] "array_3bit_clamp_by2_continuous.zarr" (overwrite)
10 downsample
args: {"stride":[2,2,2],"discrete":true}
encode: {"chunk_shape":[32,32,32],"shard_shape":[128,128,128]}
input: uint8 [1243, 1403, 1510] "array_3bit_clamp.zarr"
output: uint8 [621, 701, 755] "array_3bit_clamp_by2_discrete.zarr" (overwrite)
11 gradient_magnitude
args: {}
encode: {}
input: uint16 [1243, 1403, 1510] "/tmp/.tmpCbeEcJ/$reencode0bxiFEM"
output: uint16 [1243, 1403, 1510] "array_gradient.zarr" (overwrite)
12 gaussian
args: {"sigma":[1.0,1.0,1.0],"kernel_half_size":[3,3,3]}
encode: {}
input: uint16 [1243, 1403, 1510] "/tmp/.tmpCbeEcJ/$reencode0bxiFEM"
output: uint16 [1243, 1403, 1510] "array_gaussian.zarr" (overwrite)
13 summed area table
args: {}
encode: {"data_type":"float32"}
input: uint16 [1243, 1403, 1510] "/tmp/.tmpCbeEcJ/$reencode0bxiFEM"
output: float32 [1243, 1403, 1510] "array_sat.zarr" (overwrite)
14 guided_filter
args: {"epsilon":40000.0,"radius":3}
encode: {"data_type":"float32"}
input: uint16 [1243, 1403, 1510] "/tmp/.tmpCbeEcJ/$reencode0bxiFEM"
output: float32 [1243, 1403, 1510] "array_guided_filter.zarr" (overwrite)
[00:00:02/00:00:02] reencode /tmp/.tmpCbeEcJ/$reencode0bxiFEM rw:34.78/28.90 p:0.00
[00:00:04/00:00:04] reencode array_float32.zarr rw:30.06/76.57 p:14.16
[00:00:00/00:00:00] crop array_crop.zarr rw:3.46/3.34 p:0.00
[00:00:02/00:00:02] replace_value array_replace.zarr rw:26.73/47.32 p:7.25
[00:00:01/00:00:01] rescale array_3bit.zarr rw:18.11/14.43 p:11.55
[00:00:01/00:00:01] rescale array_8bit.zarr rw:23.54/21.99 p:11.08
[00:00:00/00:00:00] clamp array_3bit_clamp.zarr rw:9.70/10.34 p:0.96
[00:00:00/00:00:00] equal array_clamp_equal_bool.zarr rw:10.61/9.32 p:4.56
[00:00:00/00:00:00] equal array_3bit_max.zarr rw:10.29/9.49 p:3.61
[00:00:02/00:00:02] downsample array_3bit_clamp_by2_continuous.zarr rw:7.01/1.95 p:71.76
[00:00:06/00:00:06] downsample array_3bit_clamp_by2_discrete.zarr rw:16.08/1.01 p:168.86
[00:00:20/00:00:20] gradient_magnitude array_gradient.zarr rw:147.16/14.38 p:289.05
[00:00:10/00:00:10] gaussian array_gaussian.zarr rw:36.19/22.01 p:181.06
[00:00:23/00:00:23] summed area table array_sat.zarr rw:190.51/215.68 p:54.39
[00:01:51/00:01:51] guided_filter array_guided_filter.zarr rw:29.57/59.96 p:2427.96