C/C++ Bindings (zarrs_ffi)

zarrs_ffi is a single header library: zarrs.h (API docs).

Currently zarrs_ffi only supports a subset of the zarrs API. However, it is sufficient for typical reading and writing of Zarr hierarchies.

These bindings are used in production at the Department of Materials Physics, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.

CMake Quickstart

  1. Install the Rust compiler (and cargo).
  2. Put Findzarrs.cmake in your CMAKE_MODULE_PATH
  3. find_package(zarrs <version> REQUIRED COMPONENTS zarrs/bz2)
    • Replace <version> with the latest release: Latest Version (e.g., 0.8 or 0.8.4)
    • zarrs is retrieved from GitHub using FetchContent and built using corrosion
    • Components are optional zarrs codecs
  4. the zarrs_ffi library is available as the zarrs::zarrs or zarrs::zarrs-static target

A complete CMake example can be found in zarrs_ffi/examples/cmake_project.

For more comprehensive build instructions, see the zarrs_ffi/README.md.


#include "zarrs.h"

void main() {
  // Open a filesystem store pointing to a zarr hierarchy
  ZarrsStorage storage = nullptr;
  zarrs_assert(zarrsCreateStorageFilesystem("/path/to/hierarchy.zarr", &storage));

  // Open an array in the hierarchy
  ZarrsArray array = nullptr;
  zarrsOpenArrayRW(storage, "/array", metadata, &array);

  // Get the array dimensionality
  size_t dimensionality;
  zarrs_assert(zarrsArrayGetDimensionality(array, &dimensionality));
  assert(dimensionality == 2);

  // Retrieve the decoded bytes of the chunk at [0, 0]
  size_t indices[] = {0, 0};
  size_t chunk_size;
  zarrs_assert(zarrsArrayGetChunkSize(array, 2, indices, &chunk_size));
  std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> chunk_bytes(new uint8_t[chunk_size]);
  zarrs_assert(zarrsArrayRetrieveChunk(array, 2, indices, chunk_size, chunk_bytes.get()));

Complete examples can be found in zarrs_ffi/examples.