Converting Zarr V2 to V3

CLI tool

zarrs_reencode is a CLI tool that supports Zarr V2 to V3 conversion. See the zarrs_reencode section.

Changing the Internal Representation

When an array or group is initialised, it internally holds metadata in the Zarr version it was created with.

To change the internal representation to Zarr V3, call to_v3() on an Array or Group, then call store_metadata() to update the stored metadata. V2 metadata must be explicitly erased if needed (see below).


While zarrs fully supports manipulation of Zarr V2 and V3 hierarchies (with supported codecs, data types, etc.), it only supports forward conversion of metadata from Zarr V2 to V3.

Convert a Group to V3

let group: Group = group.to_v3();
// group.async_store_metadata().await?;
// group.async_erase_metadata_opt(MetadataEraseVersion::V2).await?;

Convert an Array to V3

let array: Array = array.to_v3()?;
// array.async_store_metadata().await?;
// array.async_erase_metadata_opt(MetadataEraseVersion::V2).await?;

Note that Array::to_v3() is fallible because some V2 metadata is not V3 compatible.

Writing Versioned Metadata Explicitly

Rather than changing the internal representation, an alternative is to just write metadata with a specified version.

For groups, the store_metadata_opt accepts a GroupMetadataOptions argument. GroupMetadataOptions currently has only one option that impacts the Zarr version of the metadata. By default, GroupMetadataOptions keeps the current Zarr version.

To write Zarr V3 metadata:

// group.async_store_metadata_opt(...).await?;


zarrs does not support converting Zarr V3 metadata to Zarr V2.

Note that the original metadata is not automatically deleted. If you want to delete it:

// group.async_erase_metadata().await?;


The store_metadata methods of Array and Group internally call store_metadata_opt. Global defaults can be changed, see zarrs::global::Config.

ArrayMetadataOptions has similar options for changing the Zarr version of the metadata. It also has various other configuration options, see its documentation.