Zarr Groups

A group is a node in a Zarr hierarchy that may have child nodes (arrays or groups).

zarr overview

Each array or group in a hierarchy is represented by a metadata document, which is a machine-readable document containing essential processing information about the node. For a group, the metadata document contains the Zarr Version and optional user attributes.

Opening an Existing Group

An existing group can be opened with Group::open (or async_open):

let group = Group::open(store.clone(), "/group")?;
// let group = Group::async_open(store.clone(), "/group").await?;


These methods will open a Zarr V2 or Zarr V3 group. If you only want to open a specific Zarr version, see open_opt and MetadataRetrieveVersion.

Creating Attributes

Attributes are encoded in a JSON object (serde_json::Object).

Here are a few different approaches for constructing a JSON object:

let value = serde_json::json!({
    "spam": "ham",
    "eggs": 42
let attributes: serde_json::Object =
let serde_json::Value::Object(attributes) = value else { unreachable!() };
let mut attributes =  serde_json::Object::default();
attributes.insert("spam".to_string(), Value::String("ham".to_string()));
attributes.insert("eggs".to_string(), Value::Number(42.into()));

Alternatively, you can encode your attributes in a struct deriving Serialize, and serialize to a serde_json::Object.

Creating a Group with the GroupBuilder


The GroupBuilder only supports Zarr V3 groups.

let group = zarrs::group::GroupBuilder::new()
    .build(store.clone(), "/group")?;
// group.async_store_metadata().await?;

Note that the /group path is relative to the root of the store.

Remember to Store Metadata!

Group metadata must always be stored explicitly, even if the attributes are empty. Support for implicit groups without metadata was removed long after provisional acceptance of the Zarr V3 specification.


Consider deferring storage of group metadata until child group/array operations are complete. The presence of valid metadata can act as a signal that the data is ready.

Creating a Group from GroupMetadata

Zarr V3

/// Specify the group metadata
let metadata: GroupMetadata =

/// Create the group and write the metadata
let group =
    Group::new_with_metadata(store.clone(), "/group", metadata)?;
// group.async_store_metadata().await?;
/// Specify the group metadata
let metadata: GroupMetadataV3 = serde_json::from_str(
    "zarr_format": 3,
    "node_type": "group",
    "attributes": {
        "spam": "ham",
        "eggs": 42
    "unknown": {
        "must_understand": false

/// Create the group and write the metadata
let group =
    Group::new_with_metadata(store.clone(), "/group", metadata.into())?;
// group.async_store_metadata().await?;

Zarr V2

/// Specify the group metadata
let metadata: GroupMetadata =

/// Create the group and write the metadata
let group = Group::new_with_metadata(store.clone(), "/group", metadata)?;
// group.async_store_metadata().await?;

Mutating Group Metadata

Group attributes can be changed after initialisation with Group::attributes_mut:

fn main() {
    .insert("foo".into(), serde_json::Value::String("bar".into()));

Don't forget to store the updated metadata after attributes have been mutated.